Daily prayer:
Jesus, you died for my sin and because of my sin. I have not loved you with my whole heart. I have not loved my neighbor as myself. You have taken my worst and it shed your blood. But you offer to forgive me and to change me. I give you my life to do whatever you want with it.
Day 1: The Cup Read Mark 14:32-36a
Ask Jesus to help you understand what he was feeling; about to experience great pain, but also to be separated from his Father whom he has always been with and drew his identity from. Write down your thoughts. Confess: Jesus, you so loved me that you would drink the cup of my wrong action, and of the justice that I deserved. Thank you, forgive me. Take all of me.
Day 2: What You Want Read Mark 14:36b
Even then Jesus submitted what he wanted for what his Father wanted. What are things you deeply want? One by one, give them over to God saying, “I want… Not what I want, but what you want.”
Day 3: The Cup Pt 1 Read Mark 14:43-65
Reflect and confess where you have done this to God and others.
Betray – 14:43-49; Abandon – 14:50-52
Lie – 14:53-60; Reject – 14:61-65
Day 4: The Cup Pt 2 Mark 14:66-15:20
Reflect and confess where you have done this to God and others.
Deny – 14:66-72; Envy- 15:1-11
Injustice – 15:12-15; Brutality – 15:16-20
Day 5: Crucified Read Mark 15:21-37
Read the passage and Isaiah 53:4-6. Reflect and pray with God apologizing in actions or attitudes that God brings up, and reflecting that he would so love you to willingly do this for you.