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Writer's picturekeystonenaz


Daily prayer of confession:

Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, to the glory of your Name. Amen.

Day 1: Examination of Conscience

  • Read Ps 139:1-12

  • Confession: You are present and you completely understand me. There is nothing that I can be, or nowhere I can go from you and your love. You know me. Show me what is true about myself.

  • Examination: What is God showing me about myself that I must admit to myself?

  • Confession: God you have searched and known me. I admit to you and myself that I am the kind of person who…

Day 2: Confession to a Mentor

  • Read James 5:7-16. Our relationship with God involves the people he has put around us. We need mature followers of Jesus to pray for us and hold us accountable.

  • Pray: Prayerfully ask God to help you identify a deeply mature Christian whom you could confess areas God is needing to work on you.

  • Act: Ask that person if they would be willing to meet regularly to listen and to hold you accountable.

  • Read: Why We Need to Practice Confession

Day 3: Apologizing to family

  • Read: Matthew 5:23-24. God’s nature is one of reconciliation. Our families are the ground of significant conflicts. God is honored when we proactively seek to heal relationships in our family (apologize and forgive).

  • Reflect: Are there any areas (action or attitude) in your relationship with family members where you need to apologize or seek reconciliation? Confess these to God.

  • Act: Make a step today of confession to that person (this can be both of apology as well as of love and desire for a healed or healthy relationship). Make a plan to continue to act on anything the Lord shows you is not right in family relationships.

Day 4: Apologizing to friends and co-workers

  • Re-read John 13:1-17. Based on this passage, what kind of person is Jesus?

  • Reflect: Are there any areas (action or attitude) in your relationship with friends or co-workers where you need to apologize or seek reconciliation? Confess these to God.

  • Act: Make a step today of confession to that person (this can be both of apology as well as of love and desire for a healed or healthy relationship). Make a plan to continue to act on anything the Lord shows you is not right in family relationships.

Day 5: Confession to God

  • Read Psalm 32. What is the result of not confessing sin to God? What does this say about God? Read verses 8-9, ask God to show you which one you are.

  • Reflect: Is there any area (action or attitude) in your life that is out of alignment with Jesus. Confess these to God, ask for forgiveness and change.

  • Confess these to Jesus and to a mature believer. Ask for wisdom of how to change. Which sacred rhythms can help address this?

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