Daily prayer of guidance:
My savior and my God, would you guide me today by your Holy Spirit. May I trust you with my whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. May I give up my kingdom and my will that your kingdom may come and your will be done in and through me, just as it is done in heaven. Through Jesus Christ my Lord, Amen.
Day 1: How Jesus was guided
Read: Luke 2:48:52, Matthew 4:4(-11), John 5:19(-27), Luke 22:39-46
Meditate: In each passage how was Jesus guided? What was his attitude? What was the outcome?
Confess: Jesus, you lived under the guidance of your Father and the Spirit in the family of Israel. Would you help me to value and seek your guidance in my life?
Read: Understanding Guidance
Day 2: Guidance from the Holy Spirit
Read: John 16:7-15. Meditate: How is Jesus saying that the Holy Spirit that he gives to his followers is even greater than his presence with his followers?
Read Acts 1:1-7, 2:1-8, 42-47. Meditate: What was Jesus’ command? What impact the spirit have on the mission and character of these people? Does the Spirit have complete freedom in your life? If not, why not?
Confess: Father God, Jesus said it is good that he returned to heaven so that I could have the Spirit of God living within me and guiding me. You said this spirit would change my character from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh. Please give me grace to give the Holy Spirit complete freedom to shape me into your character. Amen.
Day 3: Guidance from Scripture
Read: Psalm 119:1-16
Meditate: In this passage what is the relationship between God and his gift of scripture (his laws)? The writer’s love for God is shown by his response to God’s word. Ask God, “how does my love of and discipline of reading scripture reflect on my love of God?”
Confess: Thank you God for revealing who you are through the Bible. In loving your word, and doing your word I show my love for you. Help me to choose to listen to you through your word every day, and so come to love you and be changed by you.
Act: Commit to love God by beginning a daily Bible reading plan.
Day 4: Guidance from Leaders/Mentors
Timothy was guided by Paul. Read 2 Timothy (it is only 4 chapters).
Meditate: How was Timothy guided by Paul? What was Paul’s attitude and spirit? How would you feel/respond if you were Timothy receiving this letter?
Act: Seek to find a group (Men’s discipleship, Women’s Bible Study, Genesis Study) to be under the guidance of a leader and mentor. Look for opportunities God provides you to have a mature believer mentor you in your walk with Christ.
Day 5: Guidance from the Church
Read Acts 13:1-3. Ephesians 4:1-16
Meditate: When I come to worship you with others, how are you directing us for what You want?
Act: As you gather in a bible study, small group, or Sunday worship be actively praying, loving, and seeking how you can love and serve, and be listening for how God is reinforcing that through the lives of others.